Since its release I've sunk around 70 hours into Skyrim...
Reward/Punishment System
I've been wondering about the definition of consciousness for awhile, so lately I've been thinking about a physical system that could be used to explore the topic.
udk/unrealscript rpg
Lately I've been interested in experimenting with game design, so here are the results: A basic RPG framework written for UDK, Epic's Unreal engine development environment.
user experience optimization
A tool for quantifiably improving user experience in your applications by identifying repetitive tasks.
"my first music studio"
Want to try your hand at writing music on the computer, but no clue how to get started? I'll walk you through some of the basic concepts and discuss specific software and hardware tools you can use. My background comes from developing Temper, a music composition tool (but don't worry, this is the last you'll hear of it; this isn't an ad), so I'm interested in and broadly aware of the scene, although you can ask for detailed advice on particular items at the KVR forums, most notably on hosts, instruments and effects.