
release management utility

A simple utility for managing versioned releases.


a detour through skyrim

Since its release I've sunk around 70 hours into Skyrim...


c++: multithreaded opengl

An example of doing multithreaded OpenGL calls in C++.

c++: lambda example

A quick example of using lambdas in the new C++ spec.


Reward/Punishment System

I've been wondering about the definition of consciousness for awhile, so lately I've been thinking about a physical system that could be used to explore the topic.


udk/unrealscript rpg

Lately I've been interested in experimenting with game design, so here are the results: A basic RPG framework written for UDK, Epic's Unreal engine development environment.


user experience optimization

A tool for quantifiably improving user experience in your applications by identifying repetitive tasks.